Friday, 1 May 2020

Computational Thinking

Empowered: Pedagogy & Kaupapa

Presenter: Dorothy Burt

It's NOT just a tool!

Digital learning needs to transform the way we learn, it needs to offer new experiences and empower learners, teachers and whanau.

Dorothy talked about the challenges for low income families and the statistics gathered about low decile learners.  
Below are some sobering statistics:
  • The mean academic level of new entrant students is they come in at a level of a three year old.
  • These young learners have 32 million less spoken words than a decile 10 school.  (It doesn't matter whether they speak Maori, Tongan, Hindu, Spanish)
  • 1/3 of the children change school every year.
  • 50% of students change schools where there are new government housing developments.

The Future of Technology & What it Means to Our Tamariki

Presenter: Gerald Vermeulen

Gerald focused on looking into the future.  
According to Bill Gates these are the 10 breakthrough  technologies.  These technologies were amazing, the skill and expertise with developing and programming.  Manaiakalani programme enables our young learners to develop skills and their own digital kete so they are not just participants but they have many opportunities to be creative and reflective programmers, users and confident cybersafe citizens.  Who knows what our students will become... its exciting!

… according to Bill Gates

The New Digital Technologies Curriculum 2020

Presenter: Kerry Boyd Preece

Kerry talked about the new digital technologies curriculum, discussing the  new technologies in this curriculum and clarifying key points.  I definitely need to reread this presentation and familiarize myself with using the digital language.

Explore: Coding

Computational thinking and the Digital Technology Curriculum 

Presenter: Gerhard Vermeulen

Gerald's presentation gave me the opportunity to explore different coding games and attempt to some very simple coding.
Minecraft Coding Game
Breaking into small Google Meets was an excellent opportunity to practise basic coding.  I chose the Minecraft coding game which you can view on the link above.  I found this very easy to use.  There was no problems loading the game or using the coding tools and you get instant gratification.  For a first time user I was very chuffed with myself.

Now the 'Mihi Maker' coding game was not a great experience.  Initially I was so excited about the prospect of embedding this coding game in my blog but unfortunately I ended up feeling tired and exhausted.

Coding was at times very frustrating especially the coding game 'Mihi Maker' at times it froze then my computer got stuck with uploading a photo of myself that was too large.  On saying that according to the specifications on this game the photo was within the specifications.  Then I had difficulty publishing and embedding my animated mihi.  But unfortunately I still have a lot to learn as my mihi is not animated.  In fact you can't see view any of my mihi!

I am now in the final days of my professional development with the Manaiakalani facilitators, and it's time to revise and practise all the skills I have learnt.  My learning goal this week will be to do lots of deep dives and rewindable learning so I become more proficient and confident with Google sheets, and screencastify.



  1. Thank you for sharing what you learned today at our DFI. I also had issues with my Mihi. I felt like it was a great opportunity to practise deep breathing when dealing with tech issues. I really appreciate the hard work that you are putting into the school bubble. Have you had any thoughts where you might sit your exam? I also found the fact that 32 million words need to be spoken to our young people. I also found the discussion about the five exchanges in conversation important to bridge the gap. Have a great week.

  2. Thanks for your feedback Jessica and sharing your deep breathing strategy. I agree the five exchanges of conversation to bridge the gap needs to be shared with our community. I think I will sit my exam at school.

  3. Kia ora Vicki,
    I'm glad you can still say you learnt lots as part of the computational thinking day. Mihi Maker was definitely a learning experience. You could take a photo and try adding this one. Nothing like persevering (once the exam is over)!
    All the best as you practice and embed your learning.

  4. Thank you Maria, last time I revisited the Mihi Maker it was still trying to load. Back at school in my learning bubble the kids were online working on coding activities, so I was able to gain more confidence and experience with the basic coding activities.

    1. Vicki, what a great thing to do in your bubble at school. Are the students blogging as well? IF they are can you point me to their blogs so I can see what they have done.
      I so loved you comic strip! That is exactly how I feel when I can do a little bit of coding. FLappy Bird for me.
      See you on Friday
